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Neuralink Out of Stealth Mode

Emailed on July 19th, 2019 in The Friday Forward

On Tuesday evening, Neuralink, a company in which Elon Musk has invested around $100 million, detailed the baby steps it has taken toward the goal of inserting a computer connection into your brain as safe and painlessly as Lasik eye surgery.

Neuralink described a “sewing machine-like” robot that can implant ultrathin threads deep into the brain.

The company is hoping to begin working with human subjects as soon as the second quarter of next year. The company claims the system will eventually be capable of reading and writing vast amounts of information.

That sort of human-to-machine communication has major medical implications, among others. Neuralink technology might one day — relatively soon — help humans with an array of ailments, like helping amputees regain mobility or helping people hear, speak and see.

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